Because I have lived in Katong for almost 30 years and I’m a lifelong Eastie, everyone asks which the best Katong laksa is. It’s the one simmered to spirited life in my mom Ade’s kitchen. You know — the one that only the backyard can fit, with industrial-sized woks and cauldrons, and charcoal stoops and gas tanks for zhi char-intense wok hei.
Slinging the same five noodle dishes for more than 70 years, Yong Huat is part aof why Eastie living is so easy.
An amazing woman shows up every morning at the gym for the day’s session, whether cardio, HIIT, resistance, strength, or everything, even though she’s fighting breast cancer on her own, in a country she’s just moved to. When she’s done, she feels like she’s earned the right to another day.
The mechanical, communal and spiritual process of dismantling Singapore’s Covid-19 circuit began with rain at the break of dawn, a cleanse. Never too late for a clean slate.